Adventure always awaits
Started in 2008, SkillsDB has worked with hundreds of companies and learned so much along the way. This experience comes together in a solution to elevate your employee success.
SkillsDB is a hub for employee success. It is the fastest, smartest and easiest path to competency-based talent management. Now, you can have data-backed insight into how your employees are performing, organizational strengths/weaknesses and report to management the findings. SkillsDB lets you track employee skills, run skills audits and gap analysis, find qualified people, analyze training needs, track individual development plans, manage certifications, career/succession planning and much more.
The original SkillsDB product was launched in 2008. At first, a construction company asked the company to build out a skills database. There was no product on the market serving the purpose and the company realized there was something important in the making. The original product was a custom-built Microsoft Access database, but it quickly pivoted to an onsite, installable, stand-alone software product. After a short while, companies like Ernst & Young and UPS asked if there was a web version, which followed shortly thereafter.
As the company approaches 20 years focused exclusively on filling this need, much has been learned. Some might call the company the leader in the space, but we have much to do for us to be happy.
Coming soon is a completely new website and product launch, so please stay tuned. We've been working hard on this new vision for more than two years.
High-end gear assures the summit

Skills tracking across entire organization
Catalog skills, roles & competencies for better org understanding. Assemble skills matrix and gap analyses for a roadmap of tactical and strategic improvement.

Competency & talent management
Evaluate competency levels of staff, match training resources and speed up the growth of the workforce. Nothing more critical than the right people in right position.

Career dev & succession planning
Help people navigate their careers & call on team with known skills to fill vacancies. Create talent pipeline to fill roles, align org needs & address team vacancies.

Recruiting & internal hiring insight
Understand organizational strengths and weaknesses to drive understanding for new hires or finding internal candidates, viewing role & competency gaps with data.

IDPs with recommended learnings
Tie learning plans to individual job roles & specific skills to relevant courses. Track employee skill development over time with audit trails for progress and advanced reporting with management.

Quals, standards & certifications
Tracking, auditing, reporting and alerts for qualifications and certifications helps to keep employees and the organization on top of things. When things come due, notifications prove to be critical.